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Atari ST Guide REF Links  |  1998-04-25  |  6KB  |  304 lines

  2. %Programdocumentation for faceVALUE
  3. Title
  4. Contents
  5. Introduction
  6. Tutorial
  7. faceVALUE principles
  8. faceVALUE program dialogs
  9. Menu bar
  10. Dialog 'Main'
  11. User window flags
  12. About Face Value
  13. System alerts
  14. System requirements
  15. Rsc information
  16. Parameters-Dialog
  17. Error dialog
  18. %Create a program from the RSC file
  19. Files produced by faceVALUE
  20. Structure of the LST file
  21. Updating a project
  22. 'Starting Face Value with commandline
  23. Understanding the RSC file
  24. Trees
  25. Mandatory trees
  26. Conditional trees
  27. Optional Trees
  28. Dialog trees
  29. User-window trees
  30. Objects
  31. Programming with faceVALUE
  32. !How the faceVALUE engine works
  33. "How to write clean GEM programs
  34. Hi ho, off to work we go
  35. Window iconification
  36. Working with windows
  37. &The RSC-file, objects and variables
  38. The ASCII-table dialog
  39. /How to use GDOS fonts and xFSL-fontselectors
  40. Getting keyboard-input
  41. The error-routine
  42. %'Wrinkles' - modules for faceVALUE
  43. The name and the goal
  44. Rules for wrinkles
  45. Documentation
  46. Face Value 2.0 flags
  47. Reference
  48.  Reference - The resource file
  49. Reserved dialog names
  50. Sorting your dialogs
  51. Menu- and Dialog-Trees
  52. Menu - Extended type: 0
  53. System - Extended type: 1
  54.  Background - Extended type: 2
  55. Toolstrip - Extended type: 3
  56. Toolbar - Extended type: 4
  57. !ASCII-table - Extended type: 5
  58.  Mouseforms - Extended type: 6
  59. Desktop - Extended type: 7
  60. Progress - Extended type: 8
  61.  Busydialog - Extended type: 9
  62. Iconify - Extended type: 10
  63. PopUps - Extended type: 11
  64. Alert - Extended type: 12
  65. "Alert icons - Extended type: 13
  66. $Alert strings - Extended type: 14
  67. ListBox - Extended type: 15
  68. $Animated icon - Extended type: 16
  69. Code - Extended type: 17
  70. 'Non-modal dialog - Extended type: 18
  71. 'Prg.modal dialog - Extended type: 19
  72. Toolbox - Extended type: 20
  73. Changes to Dialogs
  74. &Dialogs with *no* window attributes
  75. Foldable Dialogs
  76. Desktop-Dialog
  77. Changed: System-Dialog
  78. Standard objects
  79. Boxtext
  80. Image
  81. Progdef
  82.     Button
  83. Boxchar
  84.     String
  85. Ftext
  86. Fboxtext
  87. (Menu)title
  88. Cicon
  89. Face Value special objects
  90. Frame
  91. Niceline
  92. Underlined text
  93. Checkbox
  94. Round radiobutton
  95. NumberScroller
  96. RadioTextPopup
  97. MenuTextPopup
  98. RadioImagePopup
  99. MenuImagePopup
  100. RadioListbox
  101. CheckListbox
  102. MenuListbox
  103. Shortcut button
  104. Shortcut string
  105. ShortcutIcon
  106. PointForward
  107. Shortcut boxchar
  108. PointBack
  109. Help button
  110. Help menu item
  111. AnimatedIcon
  112. AutoCompress Icon/Image
  113. CloserButton
  114. QuitApp
  115. New objects
  116. Sizer Object
  117. Toolbox popup radiobuttons
  118. Movable objects
  119. Drag & drop objects
  120. Objects with new features
  121. /Listbox: Autolocator added (hi, Manfred! ;-)
  122. Tear-Off Popups
  123. Animated objects
  124. Animated icons
  125. Object state
  126. Selected - OB_STATE bit 0
  127. Crossed - OB_STATE bit 1
  128. Checked - OB_STATE bit 2
  129. Disabled - OB_STATE bit 3
  130. Outlined - OB_STATE bit 4
  131. Shadowed - OB_STATE bit 5
  132. Extended object states:
  133. Object flags
  134. Selectable - OB_FLAGS bit 0
  135. Default - OB_FLAGS bit 1
  136. Exit - OB_FLAGS bit 2
  137. Editable - OB_FLAGS bit 3
  138. Rbutton - OB_FLAGS bit 4
  139. Lastob - OB_FLAGS bit 5
  140. Touchexit - OB_FLAGS bit 6
  141. Hidetree - OB_FLAGS bit 7
  142. Indirect - OB_FLAGS bit 8
  143. Extended object flags
  144. Shortcuts in menu-entries
  145. Reference - Programming
  146.     Global
  147. Global variables list
  148. window_array&(index&,x&)
  149. window_tree%(index&,x&)
  150. Reference - User routines
  151.     Always
  152. user_var_index
  153. user_rsc_var_init
  154. user_rsc_interact
  155. user_rsc_draw_extra
  156. user_on_open
  157. user_on_exit
  158. user_quit_ok
  159. user_systemcheck
  160. user_gem_messages
  161. user_win_close_all
  162. Userwindows
  163. user_window_content
  164. user_mouse
  165. user_keyb
  166. user_win_close_ok
  167. User routines drag & drop
  168. user_dragdrop_init
  169. user_dragdrop_path
  170. user_dragdrop_accept
  171. user_dragdrop_loaddata
  172. 'Reference - Callable system routines
  173. Using windows
  174. win_open
  175. win_get_workarea
  176. win_set_infoline
  177. win_set_slidersize
  178. win_set_vslider
  179. win_set_hslider
  180. win_change_size
  181. win_keyb_scroll
  182. win_open_dialog
  183. win_close_all
  184. win_close
  185. win_set_title
  186. win_get_index
  187. win_send_redraw
  188. win_modal_enq
  189. Iconification
  190. win_iconify
  191. win_iconify_all
  192. win_uniconify
  193. win_uniconify_all
  194. Window cycling
  195. win_cycle
  196. Blitting image bitmaps
  197. vdi_bitblt
  198. &Offscreen bitmaps (mono, NVDI/EdDI)
  199. offscreen_open
  200. offscreen_close
  201. Allocate global memory
  202. mxalloc_global
  203. Fileselector support
  204. selectric_load$
  205. selectric_check
  206. fileselector$
  207. 0Getting information from the operating system
  208. appl_xgetinfo
  209. vq_extnd
  210. vq_vgdos
  211. get_cookie
  212. clip_bootdrive$
  213.     Alerts
  214. alert_standard
  215. alert_wind
  216. Blocking the screen/system
  217. aes_screen_lock
  218. aes_screen_unlock
  219. aes_clear_buffers
  220. Progress bar
  221. progress_open
  222. progress_update
  223. progress_close
  224. Busy dialog
  225. busy_open
  226. busy_update
  227. busy_close
  228. Virtual workstations
  229. v_opnvwk
  230. v_clsvwk
  231. Mouse
  232. mouse_wait
  233. mouse_form
  234. mouse_busy
  235. Load and save mono IMG
  236. img_load
  237. img_save
  238. #Sending GEM messages to yourself
  239. aes_internal_message
  240. Calling ST-Guide
  241. call_st_guide
  242. Installing a custom desktop
  243. desktop_new
  244. desktop_restore
  245. Using the GEM clipboard
  246. clip_write$
  247. clip_read$
  248. Working with objects
  249. rsrc_setup_tree
  250. xrsrc_gaddr
  251. rsc_ob_flags
  252. rsc_ob_state
  253. rsc_ob_check
  254. rsc_ob_hide
  255. rsc_ob_disable
  256. rsc_free_string$
  257. rsc_free_image_vrt_cpyfm
  258. rsc_free_image
  259. rsc_set_new_menu
  260. rsc_get_code_adr
  261. rsc_ob_draw
  262. rsc_ob_xywh
  263. rsc_set_text
  264. rsc_get_text$
  265. rsc_disable_menutitle
  266. rsc_find_menutitle
  267. set_cursor
  268. Read the keyboard state
  269. aes_get_kstate
  270. Drag & drop protocol
  271. fread
  272. dd_read_args$
  273. GDOS and xFSL support
  274. vdi_load_fonts
  275. vdi_unload_fonts
  276. vst_alignment
  277. EVNT_MULTI loop
  278. evnt_multi_loop
  279. faceVALUE Converter 1.0
  280. RSC library
  281. Example programs
  282. EX.RSC:
  284. faceVALUE history
  285. #Changes to faceVALUE version 1.1
  286. Additions
  287. Changes, Improvements
  288. Bug fixes
  289. #Changes to faceVALUE version 2.0
  290. Changes after Version 2.0
  291. 06.04.98 PL1 (HH)
  292. 07.04.1998 PL2 (HH)
  293. 08.04.1998 PL3 (HH)
  294. 08.04.1998 PL4 (MS)
  295. 11.04.1998 PL5 (MS)
  296. 17.04.98 PL6 (HH)
  297. 18.04.98 PL6 (MS)
  298. 19.04.98 PL6 (MS)
  299. 20.04.98 PL6 (HH)
  300. 22.04.98 PL6 (MS)
  301. 24.04.98 (HH)
  302. 24.04.98 (MS)
  303. Index